Sitemap - 2022 - How Jo Waller sees it

Deaths England and Wales 2019-2022

Monoclonal antibodies for 'covid'

The dairy, the eggs and the eczema

Treatment with monclonal antibodies

Philadelphia 2023

Vaccine efficacy

RIP baby Kucheza who died suddenly

Fatty fish consumption and CVD

What is politics?


There is no covid. There is no "covid". THERE IS NO F£CKING COVID.

get on board the love train

Women, joy and wonder are at the front and centre of the great human reset

Dear BBC

The brainwashing about contagions is a problem

Forget for a sec 'do viruses exist?'!; has being ill ever been shown to transmit between people?

slice one broom in half

Ulcerative colitis;

How children being allowed to play at 'chickenpox' parties

post deleted

Just about everything that western medicine does is unhelpful or harmful;

You gotta hand it to the narrative writers;

Wanna make ALL vaccine injuries, effects of toxic anti-virals, masks, lockdowns, fear and tyranny stop from now on?

Eating dead animals supports Big Pharma;

Why didn't I catch 'it'? Is it my 'immune' system;

I won't tell you what to think

Increased morbidity with a gluten free diet;

The free market, and peace, is a wild and beautiful thing

The wisdom and beauty of mosses and lichens

How much do we understand about the proteins in our bodies?

They do it with smoke and mirrors

Prevention vs cure and the problem with 'healthcare'

How the con artist cons us

type 1 diabetes is not 'autoimmune'

Causes of cervical cancer, HPV

Lab leaked viruses popping up like dandelions


Beware the Nobel prize;

The Black Death (or the fear of it) killed 50% of the population (or perhaps no-one died at all)

Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric served

Prions-the next scamdemic!

Disease and colonialism

Conversations about how we produce food

Join the October

Nord Stream 1 and 2

Impact of jabs on fit young pilots

NATO! What is it good for?

War! What is it good for?

Dengue fever;

The Queen is dead

net zero carbon and eating insects is clearly ridiculous

How to dismantle the medico/pharma/techno complex

Influencers in health freedom; please show us the virus or go home!

Why are the jabs causing death by 'Covid'?

Toxicology vs virology; The Rockefeller Institute and the criminal polio fraud

Absolute proof; the cellular proteins prove beyond all doubt that 'covid 19' was human-made

Golden Syrian hamsters and masks

No Alex ' Pfizer' Berenson this paper doesn't show that Paxlovid works

The story of Helicobacter pylori, ulcers and cancer

BRCA genes and breast cancer risk

Outcomes of 'There's absolutely no evidence for it, but a viral cause is our best guess' vs

If respiratory viruses don't exist

Nothing in Nature is meaningless, malignant or diseased.

The dangers of using computer modelling

Is this the greatest con of all time?

What is the spike protein?

How effective is chemotherapy?

There is no evidence that any vaccine works

Problems with papers about 'neutralisation escape'

We don't need or want a Better Way nor a World Council for Health

Settling the virus existence debate and uniting the health freedom movement

Antibodies aren't what we've been told

All hail the robot

If viruses don't exist what about antibodies?

We do not need a pandemic prevention, preparedness and response treaty

Humans, animals, the environment and health

Pharma marketing website wikipedia

All about the original and worst vaccine

X-ray crystallography, 3D computer imagery and genomics

H5N1: Avian Flu and not a Glimmer of Proof

$1.5 million reward for finding the virus

Toxicology vs Virology

Nature is not trying to kill you;

Anti-viral sprays

We're so far down the virus rabbit hole

What's the best diet?

We can't see them: therefore they are there

Trust the evidence of your own eyes.

Disease has never been shown to transmit between people nor animals

What is the 'spike' protein?

MMR, Leaky Gut, Antibiotics and Autism

How power couple Pharma + Regulation are fooling us

"An isolate is a virus that we have isolated from an infected host.. you grow virus in culture and then you have an isolate."

Demolition of the HIV/AIDS dogma

What they REALLY don't want us talking about

so much for El@n


The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire by Nancy Turner Banks, M.D.

'Leaky' experiments

coming soon