Sitemap - 2024 - How Jo Waller sees it

A revolution happens and everyone thinks it's for different reasons.

A pig

Our dependence on the Earth is absolute.

We need strong and compassionate leaders to guide us into the multipolar world;

‘If the mass will be free of chains of iron, it must accept its chains of silver.’

It's not true that the conflict in Ukraine is going badly for the US. It's been a huge success for them.

The US Deep State (and the Blackrocks that control it) don't even care about their own children's future;

If, like me, you're confused about fracking and what 'natural' gas and LNG are and how bad they are;

The creation of HAMAS; a disaster ending the Imperialist project in Palestine

Both Health Freedom and HAMAS are resistance groups created by the man.

The Oil Crash Is Coming Sooner Than We Think

The WEF is a phantom menace designed to scare us from taking care of both this planet and each other.

In which I show how industry turns everything on its head;

It's not just Gaza that shows us the Empire doesn't give a shit about brown people.

Suppression of cleaner energy (and opposition parties)

Are we doomed?

Who is in the evil globalist cabal?

Scary covid, evil Putin and dastardly globalists are all fake threats.

Identifying as Jewish or as a follower of Judaism should command the same amount of respect as any other belief or religion;

Macron, Von der Leyen, Borrell and Ukrainian neonazis are all puffed up and spoiling for a fight.

West Desperately Deflects as Ukraine's ISIS Gambit Backfires

Davos have even turned 'equality' into a dirty word; so that they can continue with their lavish and destructive lifestyles

Renewables have been significantly cheaper than gas (and coal) fired electricity for 8 years

Getting away with pulverising the poorest people in the world in Gaza is sending a message;

Thank you Toby Rogers. You've beautifully illustrated the Davos deflection

'Net zero' is an industry scam; to fool us something is being done about emissions rising each year

America is the big bully blowing up other people's pipelines and committing major eco-terrorism

It's an all-out fight to derail anything green

Scare-mongering over the EU's 'green agenda' was started by industry

Macron, Scholz and Little Rishi Sunak will look very foolish when Russia is victorious but doesn't invade Europe

The contortions required for 'Covid' and Ukraine were bad enough, but keeping Israel in place

Those who bought the covid hoax were sold pharmaceuticals. Those who didn't were sold 'climate change is a hoax to stop us burning fossil fuels or eating animal products'.

Here is the news; the US continues to destabilise, impoverish, sanction and murder in order to protect US interests

The Oslo Freedom Forum, funded by the US, trains opposition leaders how to overthrow their respective governments

The whole world is ganging up on Haiti under the guise of the UN

Fear of social credit is deliberately stirred to blind us to our own reward and punishment system

The 'surveillance state' and 'global governance' are scare-mongering false flags

Bono and Blair, despised twerps that they are, are perfect gifts to industry

We can still trust the scientific method

China has a substantive democracy

Taiwan as East Asia's Ukraine

Why do those who support the profits of oil, gas, coal and animal ag

German Warmongers Are Going to Kill Us All

It's entirely plausible that we'll break the Tory/Labour hold and free ourselves (and Palestine) from the clutches of the Empire

It's entirely plausible that the Workers Party plus some Independents may be in a majority at the next election

War in Europe.

Conspiracies are like pringles

The West vs the Rest

The neocons want war with China right now. Stretched by its proxy war against Russia-see how the US uses its vassals

'This is for Gaza.' Anti-war candidate George Galloway

MPs want to stop anti-genocide protests rather than genocide

Geopolitics is basically a gang of rich kids refusing to play by the rules and spoiling it for everyone else

Where in the world are we?

A £4 million government promotion to encourage the eating of meat and dairy

The continued manipulation of health freedom

The US can do this the easy way

Sunak can't rule out the draft as the completely made up Russian threat grows

Army chief announces exciting plan to start World War III

British Army chief says we need to get ready for World War III

Hilarious that Bojo thinks he's part of covid dissent and health freedom

Do we want 5 or 6 billionaires having as much wealth as half the world

Update on the German farmer's protests, not the result of government incompetence

Davos 2024 was a PR disaster and they were left with a desperate attempt to market Disease X

By allowing itself to be distracted into fighting green policies and by foolishly following the carefully laid 'lab leak' paper trail

Disease X being manufactured at Davos?

Those linking climate misinformation with covid misinformation

European 'globalists' at Davos rightly ridiculed by the rest of the world

Dutch Nitrogen wars and German Fossil Fuel Subsidy wars

Which side do you want to be on? A centralised economy benefiting the 1% parasitic class?

Firing footballer, banning protests, abstaining from ceasefire: What's wrong with Germany?

I was wrong; the neocons are criminal enough and stupid enough to take the US and its vassal, the UK, into a hot war with Iran

Our great leaders are not the least afraid of 'Sars-2' nor the threat of 'nukes'. I don't think that either of them actually exist.

The Sun is rising in the East

Dear Climate Scientists

What does the film Leave the World Behind tell us?

The enemies of the Free World are resistance fighters, insurgents, Russia, China and environmentalists.

The birth of multipolarity is gonna hurt and Mother is already having contractions

Genocide and Empire. If you don't speak out against Israel you have no place in a health freedom movement.